How to Get Help in OMIS 351


If a fellow student gives you help on a discussion board or elsewhere, PLEASE give that student Helper Points on our Student Help System (lower left of main page).  You may give GENEROUSLY… if a student helps you with two things, give him/her TWO POINTS.


In our 100% online format, Dr. Downing will aggressively monitor email questions from students M-F, and promises a 48 hour or less response.  Dr. Downing will also arrange Teams/Facetime/phone call interactions if necessary.  Email is


Dr. Downing will also be available for IMMEDIATE RESPONSE and/or live on Blackboard Collaborate or Microsoft Teams (by email request):  Monday 7:30-9:30 a.m., or by appointment.


Keshav, our Teaching Assistant (TA), has virtual office hours (available for IMMEDIATE response) Tuesday from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM and Thursday from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM.  Otherwise he will respond in 24 hours or less.  Email is


When possible, please contact our TA first for help with course content.