Class Contract


If you cannot accept the Class Contract, please drop the class immediately.


There are 3 tenets in the Class Contract:


1.  No exceptions.


Explanation:  Class policies outlined in the syllabus, the web page and in class are structured to be fair and lenient for you, but also so that the instructor and the TA(s) are not put in a position to judge which excuses are “good enough”.  Please manage your semester within those policies.  Please do not tell us why you missed class, missed a quiz, did not do an assignment, etc.  Students involved in official NIU activities who notify the instructor of the schedule of those activities at the beginning of the semester (e.g., athletes) must use all available drops, etc., on their NIU activities first, and will be given make up opportunities for NIU activities beyond that.  Students serving in the military will be given similar consideration as athletes.  Other than that, all students are treated the same and we will NOT give you special consideration. 


2.  Working Technology is your responsibility.

Connectivity Explanation:  In your business career, you will be expected to keep your own technology working.  If you lose connectivity for an entire week, you won’t get the points for that week.  Period.  There are many ways to get connected in our modern world, and it is your job to do that.

Software Explanation:  If your laptop freezes, certain software required for class does not function properly on your computer, etc., use the Barsema Hall computer labs. 


3.  Ask Dr. Downing a question whose answer is easy to find on the class web site, lose 5 Participation Points.  Also, you might not receive an email response.

Explanation:  Emails sent to Dr. Downing containing questions which are already answered on our web site will cost you 5 points off of your Participation Grade.  If you ask “Can I bring a doctor’s note to excuse me from this week’s assignments?”, “I lost internet connection… how can I get my points back?”, etc., you will lose 5 points.  Also, you may not receive an email response.  Dr. Downing and his TA(s) are diligent as far as responding to emails and answering questions, but if you are asking questions (“What’s the TA’s email address?”) whose answers are easily available on our web page, it will cost you points.

Please note:  It is my job to help you learn and I enjoy my job.  But if you hired a lawyer to help you with a case, would you ask the lawyer to help you find your car keys?  My point with the policy above is to say Please let me spend my time helping you with the difficult questions you have.