5 Items Needed for Success for the online “Conference Class” of 2/6/19


1.       Check schedule to make sure you’ve completed required work for class on 2/6:

·         **** Lab 2. ****, labs are linked a week ahead, so Lab 2 is due by 6:00 p.m. 2/6.  Please read my instructions linked from the online schedule first, and then the Lab Guide.


2.       Watch 2 videos (40.5 minutes total) in Content area of Black Board

·         Module 3 Lesson 2: Analyzing and exploring data (149-165)

·         Module 3 Lesson 3: Statistics for model building and evaluation (166-185)


3.       Complete NIUResponse 11-question “test” in Black Board by 10:00 p.m. on 2/6

·         NIUResponse for 2/6/19, is under “Assessments” in Black Board like last week.  This is for Participation, and must be completed by 10:00 p.m. on 2/6, and is NOT a “normal” quiz.  It is for Participation and is 11 questions.  You can watch the videos first, with the test, or however you’d like to do it.  The only restriction is that the test closes at 10:00 p.m.


4.       Begin completing Lab 3 (due at 6:00 p.m. next Wednesday, 2/13/19).  Please read my instructions linked from the online schedule carefully, and the Lab Guide carefully, prior to emailing the TA or me with issues.


5.       Begin studying for Quiz 2, our second (of 5) REAL quizzes, given at the beginning of class 2/13.  “How should I study?”  Check the NIUResponse questions, the Participant Guide and slides, the videos, do Labs 2 & 3, and CAREFULLY READ the Participant Guide.  I will be giving you two “free” questions again, even though the class average for Quiz 1 was 95%!!  So, you could potentially get 108% (quizzes are 25 questions, but Quiz 1 will have 27 questions, 2 free)!