OMIS 665 Big Data Analytics Project Presentation Guidelines

The following is a recap of what’s expected for you project presentation.


As far as attire, anything business casual or better (e.g., a suit) is acceptable.  In fact, you don’t need to dress up at all!  It’s your choice:  just wear what you’d normally wear to class, or dress up if you’d like.  Remember, though, for a “normal” presentation in the business world, one would usually wear a suit.


Your group is either presenting the “Final Lab” or a pre-approved external project of your choice (contact me first!).  Your group is to go through the Data Analytics Lifecycle steps for your client.  Your group will present your findings in a 10 minute maximum in-class presentation.


Your classmates represent employees of your client, and will grade your effort on presentation and Analytics competence (including Lifecycle, quality of methods chosen, rationale, and results).  Your group's Project Presentation grade will be computed using 25% of the aggregate grade you receive from your classmates and 75% of the grade you receive from me.  Correspondingly, you will have an opportunity to evaluate the other presented projects as a client employee.  Using this method, each student will get an opportunity to view Analytics performance and evaluation from both sides of the fence.


Grading questions on after each presentation will be:

·         Quality of presentation (professionalism, clarity, organization, convincing nature, etc.)

·         Data Analytics Lifecycle (steps addressed, clarity, rationale, etc.)

·         Data Analytics Method and Results (right choice, rationale, justification, results)


You do not need to show your R code (or in-DB code or whatever you use) in your presentation (although you could), but you do need to turn it in with your PowerPoint slides via email to Dr. Downing after your presentation.